Page 108 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
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80              THE CENTRAL MOTOR VEHICLES RULES, 1989           RULE 62

                                 61. Termination of hire-purchase agreements, etc.
                                      (1) An application for making an entry of termination of agreement of hire-pur-
                                 chase, lease or hypothecation referred to in sub-section (3) of section 51 shall be made
                                 in Form 35 duly signed by the registered owner of the vehicle and the financier, and
                                 shall be accompanied by the certificate of registration and the appropriate fee as
                                 specified in rule 81.
                                      (2) The application for the issue of a fresh certificate of registration under sub-sec-
                                 tion (5) of section 51 shall be made in Form 36 and shall be accompanied by a fee as
                                 specified in rule 81.
                                      (3) Where the registered owner has refused to deliver the certificate of registration
                                 to the financier or has absconded then the registering authority shall issue a notice to
                                 the registered owner of the vehicle in Form 37.
                                      [(4) The recording of termination of hire purchase agreement, lease or hypotheca-
                                 tion agreement in the certificate of registration on the Portal for registration of motor
                                 vehicles or the Portal for National Register of Motor Vehicles shall be deemed to be
                                 sufficient intimation to the original registering authority for the purpose of Section
                                 sub-section (12) of section 51 of the Act.]
                                                             Certificate of Fitness
                                 62. Validity of certificate of fitness
                                      (1) A certificate of fitness in respect of a transport vehicle granted under section 56
                                 shall be in Form 38 and such certificate when granted or renewed shall be valid for the
                                 period as indicated below :

                                   (a)  New transport vehicle                       Two years
                                  2                                      Two years for vehicles up to eight years
                                   [(b) renewal of certificate of fitness in respect
                                        of transport vehicles            old and one year for vehicles older than
                                                                         eight years.
                                                                         Fitness shall be done mandatorily, only
                                                                         through an Automated Testing Station
                                                                         registered in accordance with the rule 175
                                                                         for recognition, regulation and control of
                                                                         automated testing station as under:—
                                                                         (i) For Heavy  Goods Vehicles/Heavy
                                                                         Passenger Motor Vehicles with effect from
                                                                         01st April, 2023 onwards; and
                                                                         (ii) for Medium Goods Vehicles/Medium
                                                                         Passenger Motor Vehicles and Light Motor
                                                                         Vehicles (Transport) with effect from 01st
                                                                         June, 2024 onwards.]
                                 2  Inserted vide GSR 240(E), dt. 31-3-2021, w.e.f. 1-4-2021.
                                 @  Word “Section” seems to be wrongly printed here.
                                 3  Inserted vide GSR 272(E), dt. 5-4-2022, dt. 5-4-2022.
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