Page 228 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 228
7 PEMS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (2)
test at Type
8 In-Service Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (2)
(1) The vehicles or engines fuelled with bio diesel blends up to 7% shall be tested with
reference diesel (B7) and vehicles fuelled with bio diesel blends above 7% shall be tested with
respective blends.
(2) The test applicability requirements for dual fuel engine is depending on the Gas
Energy Ratio (GER) measured over the hot part of the World Harmonized Transient
Cycle (WHTC) test-cycle. GER classification shall be as per AIS: 137 and as amended
from time to time.
(3) Reference Fuel is Hydrogen for BS-VI Positive Ignition Engine as specified in
Annexure IV-W.
(4) Reference Fuel is Hydrogen for BS-IV Positive Ignition Engine as specified in
Annexure IV-ZD.
(5) Only NOx emission shall be determined when the vehicle is running on Hydrogen";
Notes :
(1) The test shall be done on engine dynamometer.
(2) In case of vehicles equipped with Compression Ignition engines, the gaseous and
particulate emissions shall be measured as per WHSC and WHTC cycles as per
procedure described in AIS:137 as amended from time to time.
(3) In case of vehicles equipped with positive Ignition engines, the gaseous and
particulate emissions shall be measured as per WHTC cycle as per procedure
described in AIS:137 and as amended from time to time.
(4) Specifications for Reference fuels are as below:—
(a) Reference natural gas fuel used in Natural Gas or Bio-Methane mono-fuel or
bi-fuel vehicles shall be as per Annexure IV-L (G20, G23 and G25)
(b) Reference LPG fuel used in LPG mono-fuel or bi-fuel vehicles shall be as per
Annexure IV-M (Fuel A and Fuel B). However, in case of non-availability of
reference fuels for CNG/LPG, the commercially available CNG as per BIS
15958:2012 and LPG as per BIS 14861:2000, as amended from time to time shall
be used for the purpose of Type Approval and Conformity of Production.
(c) The reference ethanol fuel (ED95) shall be as specified in Annexure IV-R.
(d) The Reference Gasoline fuels (E5) or E (10) (as specified by the manufacturer)
shall be as specified in Annexure IV-X or Annexure IV-XA, respectively.
(e) The Reference Diesel fuel (B7) shall be as specified in Annexure IV-T.
(f) The reference fuel Biogas (Bio-methane) shall be as per IS 16087:2013 and as
amended time to time.
(g) The reference fuel Hydrogen Enriched Compressed Natural Gas (HCNG) shall
be as per IS 17314:2019 and as amended from time to time.
(h) BS-VI Hydrogen Fuel vehicles shall be tested with reference fuel specified in
the Annexure IV-W to said rules.
(i) BS-IV Hydrogen Fuel vehicles shall be tested with reference fuel specified in
the Annexure IV-ZD to said rules.