Page 286 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 286
(b) for purposes of LPG kit approval, kit manufacturer or supplier shall obtain
the certificate from any of the test agencies authorised under rule 126 based
on capacity of vehicle, in the following manner, namely:
(i) LPG kit for the vehicles shall be type approved for vehicles irrespective
of make and model based on engine capacity in cubic cm. Such a kit
shall be considered fit for retrofitment in any vehicle having engine
capacity within a range of ± 25% tolerance;
[(ii) separate type approval shall be necessary for the following types of
(a) two stroke
(b) four stroke
(c) carbureted
(d) single point fuel injected; and
(e) multi point fuel injected.]
(4)(a) For the purpose of granting type approval to LPG kit, the following
performance tests shall be carried out by the test agencies:—
(i) Mass emission tests
(ii) Engine performance tests
(iii) Constant speed fuel consumption test
(b) The tests specified under sub-clause (ii) of clause (a) shall be carried out
either on engine dynamometer or chassis dynamometer as applicable under
these rules. However, in case of vehicle above 100 HP, the tests shall be only
on engine dynamometer;
(c) The safety check for such kit components including installation shall be as
per the norms and standards given in the Annexure VIII, apart from detailed
test procedure or safety guidelines contained in AIS 025 D1, as approved
by the Central Government from time to time;
(d) For OE fitment and retrofitment on “In-Use” vehicles, the responsibility of
Type Approval shall be that of the vehicle manufacturer and kit
manufacturer or supplier respectively;
(e) The Type Approval of LPG kit for retorfitment shall be valid for three years
from the date of issue of such approval and shall be renewable for three
years at a time;
(f) The retrofitment of LPG kits on in-use vehicles, shall be carried out by
workshops authorised by the kit manufacturer/kit supplier or vehicle
manufacturers, as the case may be;
(g) The test agency shall complete the test and give necessary certificate within
a period of three months from the date of receiving the kits;
(h) The kit supplier/manufacturer shall provide a layout plan for retrofitment
of LPG kit in the respective models on which any approved kit is to be
installed, to the test agency for vetting and approval. The retrofitment of
the kit shall be on the basis of such approved layout plan only.
1 Substituted vide GSR 84(E), dt. 9-2-2009, w.e.f. 9-2-2009.