Page 600 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
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572               THE CENTRAL MOTOR VEHICLE RULES, 1989          FORM 54

                                 2.  Name and address of insured                      ..........................................
                                 3.  Effective date and time of commencement of
                                     insurance for the purpose of this Act.           ..........................................
                                 4.  Date of expiry of insurance                      ..........................................
                                 5.  Persons or classes of persons entitled to drive  ..........................................
                                 6.  Any limitations as to use of motor vehicle       ..........................................
                                 7.  The period of validity of this cover note will expire on  ..........................................
                                      I/We hereby certify that this cover note is issued in accordance with the provisions
                                 of Chapter XI of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
                                                                                         Authorised insurer
                                                                 FORM 53
                                                              [Refer Rule 148(1)]                FORM 53
                                        CERTIFICATE IN RESPECT OF EXEMPTION OF MOTOR VEHICLE
                                                             FROM INSURANCE
                                      Certified that the motor vehicles of the following description :—
                                     (a) Registration Number                         ...........................................
                                     (b) Make                                        ...........................................
                                     (c) Class, i.e., motor car, stage carriage, goods carriage,
                                         contract carriage or other class (to be described)  ..........................................
                                     (d) Colour of body
                                         Is the property of—
                                        (i) the government of ................................................................................................
                                        (ii) the local authority/State transport undertaking, namely .......................... the
                                            vehicles of which have been exempted under section 146 of the Motor
                                            Vehicles Act, 1988, by the government of ................................ by their order
                                            No. .................... dated........................
                                      This certificate is valid up to......................unless cancelled in the meanwhile.
                                 Dated ......................           Signed on behalf of .....................................
                                                                        Designation :
                                                                 FORM 54
                                                            [Refer Rule 150(1) and (2)]          FORM 54
                                                     ACCIDENT INFORMATION REPORT
                                 1.  Name of the police station                       .........................................
                                 2.   [FIR No./]CR No./Traffic accident report        .........................................
                                  [2A. Sections applied : IPC..............................;
                                     MV Act: ........................................................]
                                 3.  Date, time and place of accident                 .........................................
                                 4.  Name and full address of the injured/deceased    .........................................
                                 5.  Name of the hospital to which he/she was removed  .........................................
                                 6.  Registration number of vehicle and the type of the vehicle .........................................
                                 7.  Driving licence particulars :                    .........................................
                                     (a) Name and address of the driver               .........................................
                                     (b) Driving licence number and date of expiry    .........................................
                                 1  Inserted vide GSR 164(E), dt. 25-2-2022, w.e.f. 1-4-2022.
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