Page 770 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 770

742                    THE RENT-A-CAB SCHEME, 1989

                                      1.  Full name .......................................................................................................................
                                        Son/wife/daughter of ................................................................................................
                                      2.  (a) Full address : .........................................................................................................
                                          (b) Telephone No. ........................................
                                      3. Age .................................................................
                                      4.  (a) Experience in the management of transport business.
                                          (b) No. of motor-cabs held with valid permits.
                                      5.  Particulars of licence, if already held.
                                      6.  (a) Place where the applicant has his main office with detailed address.
                                          (b) Place where the applicant has his branch office with detailed address.
                                          Name of town(s).
                                          (c) The number of motor cabs to be stationed in each branch office.
                                      7.  Nature and extent of financial resources of the applicant.
                                      8.  Particulars of motor cabs owned along with details of registration mark.
                                      9.  Full description of the place where the business is to be carried on :
                                          (a) Location, open area, covered area.
                                         (b) Any other particulars.
                                      10.  I am conversant with the conditions for carrying the business of renting of
                                          motor cabs.
                                      11.  I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the particulars
                                          given above are correct and true.
                                      The prescribed fee of rupees five thousand is paid by * ............................................
                                 Place :
                                 Date :                                                Signature of applicant
                                 * Indicate mode of payment here
                                                                  FORM 2
                                                               [Refer Para 4(3)]
                                            CABS IN RESPECT OF BRANCH OFFICE IN ANOTHER STATE
                                      The State Transport Authority,
                                      ................ State/UT
                                      I, the undersigned, hereby apply for a licence for renting motor cabs in a branch
                                 office in the State of ......................................................................................................................
                                      1.  Full name .......................................................................................................................
                                        Son/wife/daughter of .................................................................................................
                                      2.  Full address (branch office) ..........................................................................................
                                          Telephone No. ..............................................................
                                      3. Age ...............................
                                      4.  (a) Experience in the management of transport business.
                                          (b) Number of motor cabs held with valid permits in the proposed branch office
                                      5.  Particulars of licence, held for main office—
                                          (a) Authority which granted the licence.
                                          (b) Date of issue.
                                          (c) Date of expiry.
                                      6.  Place where the applicant has main office.........
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