Page 84 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 84
(3) A trade registration mark shall be the trade certificate number followed by four
digit numerals starting from 0001 to 9999, for example: AB 12 A 1234 TC 0001, in
(i) AB—Represents State Code,
(ii) 12—Represents RTO Code,
(iii) A - Represents serial number of class of vehicle as prescribed in Rule 34(2)
i.e. from A to J,
(iv) 1234- Represents four digit unique identification number to be assigned by
the concerned authority to the holder of a trade certificate,
(v) TC—Represent trade certificate.
(4) No application for trade certificate shall be refused by the registering authority
unless the applicant is given an opportunity of being heard and reasons for such refusal
are given in writing.
(5) Trade certificate along with dealership authorisation certificate shall be
exhibited at a conspicuous place at show room and workshop or service center.]
[35A. Application for additional trade registration mark
(1) An application for the grant of additional trade registration mark shall be made
electronically on portal in Form 17A to the registering authority which granted the trade
certificate and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee as specified in rule 81, to be
paid electronically on the portal.
(2) On receipt of an application for the grant of additional trade registration mark
in respect of a trade certificate, the registering authority may, if satisfied that the
applicant holds a valid trade certificate and requires additional trade registration mark,
issue to the applicant additional trade registration mark, in Form 17B within fifteen days
from the date of receipt of the said application.
35B. Intimation of change of address of place of business in trade certificate
(1) If the place of business specified in the trade certificate is changed, then the
holder of trade certificate shall immediately intimate to the authority which granted the
trade certificate, about such change, electronically on portal in Form 17C accompanied
by the appropriate fee as specified in rule 81.
(2) On receipt of intimation of change of place of business, the registering authority
shall, if satisfied that the applicant holds a valid trade certificate, record new address in
the trade certificate.]
36. Refund
Where the registering authority refuses to issue or renew a trade certificate, it shall
refund to the applicant fifty per cent of the fee paid along with the application.
37. Period of validity
[(1)] A trade certificate granted or renewed under rule 35 shall be in force for a
period of [five years] from the date of issue or renewal thereof and shall be effective
throughout India.
1 Inserted vide GSR 703(E), dt. 14-9-2022, w.e.f. 1-11-2022.
2 Existing rule 37 numbered as sub-rule (1) thereof, ibid.
3 Substituted for “twelve months”, ibid.