Page 885 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 885
(2) The Central Government may exercise the power under sub-rule (1)
including, but not limited to, any of the following grounds:—
(a) to ensure that the books of account, records and documents are being
properly maintained;
(b) to ascertain whether the provisions of the Act, these rules, all relevant
circulars, guidelines or notifications issued by the Central
Government are being complied with;
(c) to inquire into the complaints received from road accident victims,
or any other person, on any matter having a bearing on the activities
of the Trust;
(d) to inquire suo motu into such matters as may be deemed fit in the
interest of the objectives of the Trust.
(3) For the purpose of inspection or audit under this rule, the Trust, Trustees,
Chairperson and other officers of the Trust, shall provide reasonable access to and
furnish all information, documents, records and systems in its possession relating
to the Trust.
(4) On completion of the inspection and audit, the Central Government may
take such action as it may deem fit and appropriate in the interest of the objectives
of the Trust.
10. Sources of income of Motor Vehicle Accident Fund
The sources of income for each of the components of the Motor Vehicle
Accident Fund shall be as follows:—
(a) Account for Insured Vehicles : The “Account for Insured Vehicles”
shall be credited with the following:—
(i) all insurance companies carrying on the business of motor
insurance in India shall contribute such amount as may be
specified by the Trust in consultation with GI Council, to the
Account for Insured Vehicles;
(ii) the Trust shall ensure that a minimum balance is maintained
in the Account for Insured Vehicles at the end of each quarter,
or when the total amount of the Account is less than twenty
percent of the minimum balance, whichever is greater.
(b) Account for Uninsured Vehicles or Hit and Run Motor Accident :
The “Account for Uninsured Vehicles or Hit and Run Motor
Accidents” shall be credited with the following:—
(i) the fee collected by the Central Government for using certain
sections of the National Highways (user fee) as per the National
Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules,
2008; or
(ii) through budgetary grant from the Consolidated Fund of India;
(iii) fine collected under section 198A; or
(iv) any other source, as may be specified by the Central