Page 892 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 892


                          meeting and each member shall be furnished with a list of business to be disposed
                          off at the said meeting:
                               PROVIDED that when an urgent meeting is called by the Chairperson, such
                          notice shall not be necessary, however, Member-Secretary shall send an intimation
                          to each member.
                               (2) No business which is not on the list of business shall be considered at
                          a meeting without the permission of the Chairperson.
                          10. Minutes of meeting
                               The proceedings of each meeting of the Standing Committee shall be circulated
                          to all members and thereafter recorded in a minutes book which shall be kept as
                          a permanent record, including in electronic form and the record of the proceedings
                          of each meeting shall be signed by the Chairperson.
                          11. District Level Committee

                               (1) There shall be a District Level Committee in each District consisting of
                          the following members, namely:—
                                   (a) Claims Settlement Commissioner—Chairperson;
                                   (b) Claims Enquiry Officer, nominated by the State

                                   (c) Superintendent of Police or Deputy Superintendent of Police
                                       (Head Quarter) of the District—Member;
                                  (d) Chief Medical Officer of the District—Member;
                                   (e) the Regional Transport Officer or any other officer of Motor
                                       Vehicles Department as nominated by the State
                                   (f) any member of the public or a voluntary organisation
                                       connected with road safety aspects as nominated by the
                                   (g) an officer nominated by the General Insurance Council—Member-
                               (2) A person nominated as a member by virtue of an office shall cease to be
                          member when he ceases to hold that office.
                               (3) The term of office of the members nominated under clauses (d), (e) and
                          (f) of sub-paragraph (1) shall be determined by the State Government.
                          12. Remuneration of member of District Level Committee
                               A member shall not be paid any remuneration except travelling and daily
                          allowance at the rate admissible to him in his respective Department and be paid
                          from the source he draws salary and a member nominated under clause (f) of sub-
                          paragraph (1) of paragraph 11 shall be paid travelling allowance or dearness
                          allowance by General Insurance Council, at the rate as may be decided by the
                          General Insurance Council.
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