Page 264 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
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amended from time to time, shall not exceed more than two times the
limit values of the emission specified in Table 1 and Table 2 for CEV
stage IV and CEV stage V, respectively:
[PROVIDED that the vehicles manufactured before the date of
applicability of CEV Stage-IV and CEV Stage-V shall be registered up
to eight months and six months respectively, after the respective date
of implementation of this rule.]]
[115AA.Emission of smoke and vapour from agriculture tractors, power tillers,
construction equipment vehicles and combine harvesters driven by dual fuel
diesel with Compressed Natural Gas or Bio-Compressed Natural Gas or
Liquefied Natural Gas engines
(1) In case of agriculture tractors, power tillers, construction equipment vehicles
and combine harvesters driven by Original Equipment (O.E.) manufactured as dual fuel
engine or converted in-use diesel engines to dual fuel engines by using diesel engines
and any fuel out of Compressed Natural Gas (hereinafter referred to as CNG),
Bio-Compressed Natural Gas (hereinafter referred to as Bio-CNG) or Liquefied Natural
Gas (hereinafter referred to as LNG), prevailing mass emission norms for diesel mode
shall also be applicable for CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG dual fuel mode for type approval
and Conformity of Production (CoP).
(2) The CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG composition used for carrying out emission shall
meet the fuel specifications as notified by the Central Government from time to time
under applicable law:
PROVIDED that till such time the commercial CNG or Bio-CNG shall be used for
the purpose of type approval and conformity of production and in case of LNG, fuel
complying with the requirements as provided in Annexure IV-LA shall be used for the
purpose of type approval and conformity of production.
(3) The Original Equipment manufacturer or retrofitter shall meet the safety
requirements and code of practice for vehicle or engine and its kit components as laid
down in Annexure IX, AIS-024 and AIS-028 (Rev. 1), as amended from time to time.
(4) Mass emission standards for CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG dual fuel engines of
agriculture tractors, power tillers, construction equipment vehicles and combine
harvesters shall be same as the mass emission standards applicable for diesel engines
of agriculture tractors, power tillers, construction equipment vehicles and combine
harvesters with exception that the HC (Hydrocarbon) shall be replaced by NMHC
(Non-Methane Hydrocarbon) on measurement basis as detailed in rule 115A and the
test applicability requirements for dual fuel engine shall be depending on the Gas
Energy Ratio (GER) measured over test-cycle applicable as per prevailing norms. GER
classification shall be as per MoRTH/CMVR/TAP-115/116 (as amended from time to
time) and notifications issued by the Central Government from time to time under the
applicable law.
(5) Tests for particulate matter and emission of visible pollutants (smoke)
stipulated in the rule 115A shall be applicable for dual fuel CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG
engine or vehicle.
1 Substituted vide GSR 800(E), dt. 15-11-2021, w.e.f. 15-11-2021.
2 Inserted vide GSR 1151(E), dt. 29-11-2018, w.e.f. 29-11-2018.