Page 274 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 274
Note : Only if there is increase in the kerb
mass w.r.t approved model or variant
having highest GVW, by more than 8%
(b) Vehicles shall meet all the safety requirements as per AIS 024, AIS-028
Revision I as applicable.
(c) Type approvals for vehicles retrofitted with CNG kits shall be valid for three
years from the date of issue of such approval and shall be renewed for every
three years at a time.
(d) CNG kit shall be type approved for vehicles of specific make. Such kit shall
be considered fit for retrofitment in any vehicle within a specified range of
engine capacity of cc within a range of ± 7% for vehicles up to 1500 cc & ±
5% above 1500cc.
(e) Real world driving cycle emission measurement using PEMS shall be
carried out for data collection for three years from the date of notification
for the computation of Conformity factor (CF).
(f) The engine power shall be measured on engine dynamometer as per
procedure prescribed in AIS 137 as amended time to time. Measured power
with CNG shall be within a range of -15% £ Power on CNG £ +5% w.r.t the
power measured on diesel. The power test can be performed, on request of
the manufacturer, on the complete vehicle on a chassis dynamometer. The
engine power shall be calculated as the sum of the power measured at
wheels and the transmission losses of the vehicle.
(g) CNG vehicles or kit components, including their installation, shall conform
to the safety checks given in Annexure IX.
(h) In-service conformity and IUPR requirements to be applicable after three
years from the date of implementation of this notification.]
[BA. O.E. or Converted, Dual Fuel or Dedicated Dual Fuel (for vehicles (GVW above
3.5 T), Diesel with Compressed Natural Gas or Bio-Compressed Natural Gas or
Liquefied Natural Gas Vehicles
(I) For O.E. CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG dual fuel or dedicated dual fuel vehicles
having GVW above 3.5 T including drive away chassis manufactured by
vehicle manufacturer,—
(a) in case of CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG fitments by vehicle manufacturers
on new diesel vehicles, each model manufactured by vehicle
manufacturers shall be type approved as per the prevailing mass
emission norms as applicable for the category of new vehicles in
respect of the place of its use and the test applicability requirements
for dual fuel engine shall be depending on the Gas Energy Ratio (GER)
measured over test-cycle applicable as per prevailing norms and the
GER classification shall be as per MoRTH/CMVR/TAP-115/116 (as
amended from time to time) and notifications issued by the Central
Government from time to time under the applicable law:
PROVIDED that the O.E. CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG dual fuel engine
approved for specific engine capacity may be installed on the base
model and its variant complying with the requirements under these
rules as applicable;
1 Inserted vide GSR 1151(E), dt. 29-11-2018, w.e.f. 29-11-2018.