Page 277 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 277
(II) For LNG conversion by modification of engines of in-use diesel vehicles
The mass emission standards, safety and other specified requirements
applicable to converted CNG Vehicles under paragraph II of para B of
sub-rule (1) of rule 115B shall be applicable to converted LNG vehicle from
in use diesel vehicle having GVW more than 3.5 T, when Liquefied Natural
Gas is used as fuel.
(III) Replacement of In-use Diesel Engine by New dedicated LNG Engine,—
The mass-emission standards, safety and other specified requirements
applicable to replacement of In-use Diesel Engine by New dedicated CNG
Engine under para C of sub-rule (1) of rule 115B shall be applicable to
vehicles, wherein replacement of In-use Diesel Engine by New dedicated
LNG Engine, when Liquefied Natural Gas is used as fuel.]
[BC. O.E. or Converted, Dual Fuel or Dedicated Dual Fuel (for vehicles GVW below
3.5 T), Vehicles having Diesel with Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Bio-Com-
pressed Natural Gas (Bio-CNG) or Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as dual fuel,—
(I) For O.E. CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG dual fuel or dedicated dual fuel vehicles
having GVW below 3.5 T,—
(a) (i) in case of CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG fitments by vehicle
manufacturers on new diesel vehicles, each model manufactured by
vehicle manufacturers shall be type approved as per the prevailing
mass emission norms as applicable for the category of new vehicles in
respect of the place of its use;
(ii) the test applicability requirements for dual fuel engine shall
depend on the Gas Energy Ratio (GER) measured over test-cycle,
applicable as per prevailing norms and the GER classification shall be
as per the MoRTH/CMVR/TAP-115/116(as amended from time to
time) and notifications issued by the Central Government from time
to time under the applicable law:
PROVIDED that the O.E. CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG dual fuel or
dedicated dual fuel engine approved for specific engine capacity may
be installed on the base model and its variant;
(b) tests for particulate matter and emission of visible pollutants (smoke)
under these rules shall be applicable for dual fuel or dedicated dual
fuel CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG engine or vehicle;
(c) prevailing COP procedure shall also be applicable;
(d) prevailing mass emission and OBD norms stipulated in rule 115 for
diesel mode shall also be applicable for dual fuel or dedicated dual
fuel mode;
(e) mass emission standards for CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG dual fuel or
dedicated dual fuel vehicles shall be same as are applicable for diesel
vehicles with exception that HC shall be replaced by NMHC
(Non-Methane Hydrocarbon) on measurement basis.
(II) For CNG or Bio-CNG or LNG dual fuel or dedicated dual fuel vehicles
having GVW below 3.5 T, conversion by modification of engines of in-use
diesel vehicles,—
1 Inserted vide GSR 37(E), dt. 17-1-2020, w.e.f. 17-1-2020.