Page 45 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 45

RULE 15         THE CENTRAL MOTOR VEHICLES RULES, 1989                17

                                        (f) stop and re-start the vehicle on a steep upward incline making proper use
                                            of the hand-brake or of the throttle and the foot-brake without any rolling
                                            back, turn right and left corners correctly and make proper use of the
                                            rear-view mirror before signalling;
                                        (g) overtake, allow to be overtaken, meet or cover the path of other vehicles
                                            safely and take an appropriate course of the road with proper caution giving
                                            appropriate signals;
                                        (h) give appropriate traffic signals  at  the appropriate time,  in clear  and
                                            unmistakable manner by hand or by electrical indicators fitted to the
                                        (i) change the lanes with proper signals and with due care;
                                        (j) stop the vehicle in an emergency or otherwise, and in the latter case, bring
                                            it to rest at an appropriate course on the road safely, giving appropriate
                                        (k) in the case of vehicle having a reverse gear, driving the vehicle backwards,
                                            reverse it into a limited opening either to the right or left under control and
                                            with reasonable accuracy;
                                        (l) cause the vehicle to face in the opposite direction by means of forward and
                                            reverse gears;
                                       (m) take correct and prompt action on the signals given by traffic signs, traffic
                                            lights, traffic controllers, policemen and take appropriate action on signs
                                            given by other road users;
                                        (n) act correctly at pedestrian crossings, which are not regulated by traffic lights
                                            or traffic police, by giving preference to persons crossing the roads;
                                        (o) keep well to the left in normal driving;
                                        (p) regulate speed to suit varying road and traffic conditions;
                                        (q) demonstrate general control of the vehicle by confident steering and smooth
                                            gear changing and braking as and when necessary;
                                        (r) make proper use of the rear-view  mirror  before signalling, beginning
                                            manoeuvring, moving away, altering the course to overtake, turning right or
                                        (s) use the proper side when driving straight, turning right, turning left and at
                                            junction of the road;
                                        (t) make proper use  of accelerator, clutch, gears, brakes (hand  and  foot)
                                            steering and horn;
                                        (u) anticipate the actions of pedestrians, drivers of other vehicles and cyclists;
                                        (v) take precautions at cross roads and on road junctions with regard to—
                                             (i) adjustment of speed on approach,
                                            (ii) proper use of rear-view mirror,
                                            (iii) correct positioning of the vehicle before and after turning to the right or left,
                                            (iv) avoidance of cutting right hand corners,
                                            (v) looking right, left and right again before crossing or emerging;
                                       (w) concentrate in  driving without his  attention being distracted and  to
                                            demonstrate the presence of mind;
                                        (x) show courtesy and consideration for the safety and convenience of other
                                            road users, such as pedestrians, drivers of other motor vehicles or cyclists.
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