Page 49 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 49
(8) Carrying overload in goods carriages.
(10) Carrying persons in goods carriage, either inside the driver’s cabin in excess
of its capacity or on the vehicle, whether for hire or not.
(11) Failing to comply with the provisions of section 134.
(12) Failure to stop when signalled to do so by any person authorised to do so.
(13) Misbehaviour with and showing discourtesy to passengers, intending
passengers or consignors and consignees of goods.
(14) Smoking while driving public service vehicles.
(15) Abandoning vehicle in a public place causing inconvenience to other road
users or to passengers in the vehicle.
(17) Interfering with any person mounting or preparing to mount upon any
other vehicle.
(18) Allowing any person to sit or placing things in such a way as to impede the
driver from having a clear vision of the road or proper control of the vehicle.
(19) Not stopping a stage carriage at approved stopping places for a sufficient
period of time in a safe and convenient position upon demand or signal of
the conductor or any passenger desiring to alight from the vehicle and
unless there is no room in the vehicle, upon demand or signal of any person
desiring to becoming a passenger.
(20) Loitering or unduly delaying any journey and not proceeding to the
destination as near as may be in accordance with the time table pertaining
to the vehicle, or, where there is no such time table, with all reasonable
(21) Not driving a contract carriage, in the absence of a reasonable cause, to the
destination named by the hirer by the shortest route.
(22) The driver of a motor cab not accepting the first offer of hire which may be
made to him irrespective of the length of the journey for which such offer
is made.
(23) The driver of a motor cab demanding or extracting any fare in excess to that
to which he is legally entitled or refusing to ply motor cab.
(24) Abandoning a transport vehicle as a mark of protest or agitation of any kind
or strike in a public place or in any other place in a manner causing
obstructions and inconvenience to the public or passengers or other users
of such places.
(2) Details of driving licences disqualified or revoked by the licensing authority
shall be recorded chronologically in the portal and such record shall be reflected on a
regular basis on the portal.]
[21A. Placing names in public domain
(1) Subject to sub-sections (2) and (3) of section 19, upon revocation of a driving
licence by an order passed by the licensing authority under sub-section (1A) of section
19 of the Act,—
1 Omitted vide GSR 240(E), dt. 31-3-2021, w.e.f. 1-4-2021. Prior to omission, clause (9) read as under:
“(9) Driving at speed exceeding the specified limit.”
2 Omitted, ibid. Prior to omission, clause (16) read as under:
“(16) Driving vehicle while under the influence of drink or drugs.”
3 Inserted vide GSR 240(E), dt. 31-3-2021, w.e.f. 1-4-2021.