Page 466 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 466

438             THE CENTRAL MOTOR VEHICLES RULES, 1989           RULE 179

                                 179. Manpower requirement
                                      (1) The minimum requirement of manpower shall be as per the following table,
                                   Sl.    Designation  Minimum manpower        Minimum Qualification
                                   No.                   requirement
                                   (1)       (2)            (3)                       (4)
                                   1.  Centre Head/          1        Graduate in Automobile or Mechanical or
                                       Manager                        Electrical or Electronic Engineering with at
                                                                      least ten years of professional experience
                                                                      which includes at least five years of
                                                                      experience in vehicle inspection,
                                                                      manufacturing or repair and shall have
                                                                      thorough knowledge of the Act and the
                                                                      rules made thereunder, especially the
                                                                      chapters relating to registration of motor
                                                                      vehicles and construction, equipment and
                                                                      maintenance of motor vehicles.
                                   2.  Information     1 (up to 2 Lanes)  Master of Computer Application or
                                       technology in   2 (up to 4 lanes)  Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of
                                       charge/ System                 Technology in Computer Science or
                                       Analyst                        Information technology or Electronics and
                                                                      Communication Engineering with at least
                                                                      three years of experience in Hardware,
                                                                      software and Networking from any
                                                                      recognised organisation or institutions.
                                   3.  Data Entry            2        Any Graduation Degree or Diploma in
                                       Operator                       Computer Application with basic computer
                                   4.  Driver (Light  2 per lane per shift Driving license with minimum five years of
                                       Motor Vehicle/                 driving experience (Light Motor Vehicle or
                                       Heavy Motor                    Heavy Motor Vehicle).
                                   5.  Lane in charge/  1 per lane per shift Industrial Training Institute Diploma in
                                       Supervisor                     Motor Mechanics or Diploma in
                                                                      Mechanical or automobile or electrical
                                                                      stream with minimum three years of
                                                                      experience in automobile repair and
                                                                      Maintenance from any recognised
                                                                      organisation or institutions.
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