Page 470 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
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appeal shall be accompanied by the fee as specified in rule 188 and a copy of the test
(2) The Appellate Authority may order a partial or complete re-test of the vehicle,
within fifteen working days of receipt of such appeal:
[PROVIDED that where the Appellate Authority is not able to process the appeal
within fifteen working days of its receipt, the appeal shall be deemed to have been
allowed and the vehicle owner shall ensure the re-test of the vehicles is scheduled within
thirty days.]
(3) Consequent to the vehicle passing such re-test, the Appellate Authority shall
issue a certificate of fitness to such vehicle.
(4) The decision of Appellate Authority shall be final and binding.
184. Audit and Assessment
(1) The performance and functioning of an automated testing station shall be
monitored through periodic audits and Assessment, at such intervals as specified in
sub-rule (3).
(2) The registering authority shall appoint National Accreditation Board for
Testing and Calibration Laboratory accredited agency or any other agency notified by
the Central Government for conducting such audits and assessments.
[(3) The audit and assessment of an automated testing station shal be conducted
every six months and the cost of such audit and assessment shall be borne by the operator
of the automated testing station and the operator shall upload the audit and assessment
report on the electronic portal specified by the Central Government within one month
of the completion of the bi-annual financial year, that is, by 31st October and 30th April
of that financial year.]
(4) The audit and assessment of Automated Testing Stations shall cover the
following aspects, namely:—
(i) test equipment completeness;
(ii) equipment calibration at the required frequency at least once a year or as
per manufacturer’s recommendation, whichever is earlier;
(iii) testing procedures as specified under this chapter;
(iv) calibration process of machinery;
(v) manpower as per specified qualification under this chapter;
(vi) sample check of at least three vehicles from each lane;
(vii) data integrity; and
(viii) functioning of all the Closed-Circuit Televisions installed in the station.
(5) The registering authority, under exceptional circumstances, which shall be
adequately recorded, may also conduct surprise audits and assessments of an
automated testing station and the cost of such audit and assessment shall be borne by
the operator.
(6) The officials of the automated testing station shall be responsible for enabling
and cooperating with the inspection at any point of time during office hours.
1 Inserted vide GSR 797(E), dt. 31-10-2022, w.e.f. 1-11-2022.
2 Substituted, ibid. Prior to substitution, sub-rule (3) read as under:
“(3) The audit and assessment of an automated testing station shall be conducted every six months and the
cost of such audit and assessment shall be borne by the operator of such station.”