Page 533 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 533

FORM 20           THE CENTRAL MOTOR VEHICLES RULES, 1989             505
                                                                 [FORM 19A
                                                               [Refer Rule 43A]                FORM 19A
                                          DIGITAL REGISTER OF INVENTORY TO BE MAINTAINED ON
                                                              VAHAN PORTAL
                                         1. Dealer Name: ........................................................................................................
                                         2. Dealer Show room address: ................................................................................
                                         3. District: ...................................................................................................................
                                         4. State: ........................................................................................................................
                                         5. Trade certificate number: .....................................................................................
                                         6. Dealership authorisation certificate number: ...................................................
                                     Sl. No.   Vehicle Class  Chassis number Engine Number Date of receipt  Date of receipt
                                                                                  of vehicle from  of vehicle from
                                                                                   manufacturer  another dealer
                                       (1)         (2)         (3)         (4)         (5)        (6)
                                  Name of     Date of     Name of     Date of     Registration        ]
                                  dealer from  transfer of  dealer whom  submission of  number/TR
                                  whom vehicle  vehicle to  vehicle is  application for  Number
                                  is received  another dealer  transferred  registration/TR

                                                                 [FORM 20
                                                          (Refer Rule 47   [and Rule 53A])       FORM 20
                                                           OF A MOTOR VEHICLE
                                      (To be made in duplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of Hire-Pur-
                                 chase/Lease/Hypothecation and duplicate copy with the endorsement of the Register-
                                 ing Authority to be returned to the Financier simultaneously on Registration of motor
                                      The Registering Authority,
                                     1.  Full Name of person to be registered as Registered owner  ......................
                                         Son/Wife/Daughter of
                                     2.  Age of person to be registered as Registered owner    ......................
                                     3.  Permanent address                                     ......................
                                         (Electoral Roll/Life Insurance Policy/Passport/Pay slip issued
                                         by any office of the Central Government/State Government or
                                         a local body/Any other document or documents as may be
                                         prescribed by the State Government/Affidavit sworn before an
                                         Executive Magistrate or a First Class Judicial Magistrate or a
                                         Notary Public to be enclosed)
                                     4.  Temporary address/Official address, if any            .......................

                                 1  Inserted vide GSR 703(E), dt. 14-9-2022, w.e.f. 1-11-2022.
                                 2  Substituted vide GSR 276(E), dt. 10-4-2007, w.e.f. 10-4-2007.
                                 3  Inserted vide GSR 240(E), dt. 31-3-2021, w.e.f. 1-4-2021.
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