Page 562 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 562

534               THE CENTRAL MOTOR VEHICLE RULES, 1989          FORM 25

                                        24. Additional particulars of alternatives or additional trailer or semi-trailers
                                            registered with an articulated vehicle.
                                             1. Type of body
                                             2. Unladen weight (kg)
                                             3. Number and description and size of tyre on each axle.
                                             4. Registered axle weight (kg) in respect of each vehicle.
                                        25. Insurance certificate/cover note number ......................... dated ........................
                                            vehicle valid from ................... to ................... issued by ................. (name and
                                            address of the insurance company)
                                      25A. Whether  held under hire-purchase/lease and hypothecation, If so,
                                            particulars of financier, etc.
                                        26. History of all Motor Vehicle Taxes and Fee paid.
                                        27. Validity of registration from ................... to ...................
                                      27A. Validity of fitness from ................... to ...................
                                            (To be stored “As per Fitness” for Transport/Commercial vehicle)
                                        28. Name and designation of the inspecting officer who certified the vehicle as
                                            fit for registration (in case of vehicles other than fully built body)
                                        29. Name and designation and signature of the registering, authority.]
                                                                 FORM 25
                                                               [Refer Rule 52(1)]                FORM 25
                                                        OF A MOTOR VEHICLE  [xxx]
                                      The Registering Authority,
                                      I, ...................................  [having mobile number ................................] hereby apply
                                 for the renewal of the certificate of registration which is attached, the particulars of which
                                 are as follows:—
                                     (a)  Register No.                                  .....................................
                                     (b) Date of issue                                  .....................................
                                     (c)  Date of expiry                                .....................................
                                       (d) Registering authority by which the certificate
                                         was issued/last renewed                        .....................................
                                      My present address is..............................if this address is not entered in the certificate
                                 of registration, I  do/do not wish that it should be so entered.  The renewal of the
                                 certificate has not been refused by any registering authority.
                                      I hereby declare that the certificate of registration has not been cancelled or
                                 suspended by any registering authority.
                                 1.  Class of vehicle                                       ............................
                                 2.  The motor vehicle was registered as
                                     (a) a new vehicle                                      ............................
                                     (b) ex army vehicle                                    ............................
                                     (c) imported vehicle                                   ............................
                                 1  Words “OTHER THAN A TRANSPORT VEHICLE” omitted vide GSR 240(E), dt. 31-3-2021, w.e.f. 1-4-2021.
                                 2  Inserted vide GSR 178(E), dt. 16-3-2020, w.e.f. 1-4-2020.
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