Page 637 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 637


                                  Flash point                 ˚C        55        —         EN 22719
                                  CFPP                        ˚C        —         -5         EN 116
                                  Viscosity at 40˚C         mm /s       2.3       3.3      EN-ISO 3104
                                  Polycyclic      aromatic  % m/m       3.0       6.0         IP 391
                                  Sulphur content (3)       mg/kg       —         10       ASTM D 5453
                                  Copper corrosion                      —       Class 1    EN-ISO 2160

                                  Conradson  carbon residue  % mm       —         0.2      EN-ISO 10370
                                  (10% DR)
                                  Ash content                % mm       —        0.01      EN-ISO 6245
                                  Water content              % mm       —        0.02      EN-ISO 12937
                                  Neutralisation (strong  acid) mg KOH/g  —      0.02      ASTM D 974
                                  Oxidation stability       mg/ml       —        0.025     EN-ISO 12205
                                  Lubricity  (HFRR wear scan Micrometer   —      400      CEC F-06-A-96
                                  diameter at 60˚C)           mm

                                  FAME                     Prohibited   —
                                    The values quoted in the specifications are “true values”. In establishment of their
                                  limit values the terms of ISO 4259 Petroleum products—Determination and application
                                  of precision data in relation to methods of test have been applied and in fixing a
                                  minimum value, a minimum difference of 2R above zero has been taken into account;
                                  in fixing a maximum and  minimum value, the minimum  difference  is 4R
                                  (R=reproducibility). Notwithstanding this measure, which is necessary for technical
                                  reasons, the manufacturer of fuels should nevertheless aim at a zero value where the
                                  stipulated maximum value is 2R and at the mean value in the case of quotations of
                                  maximum and minimum limits. Should it be necessary to clarify the questions as to
                                  whether a fuel meets the requirements of the specifications, the terms of ISO 4259
                                  should be applied.
                                    The range for cetane number is not in accordance with the requirements of a
                                  minimum range of 4R. However, in the case of a dispute between fuel supplier and
                                  fuel user, the terms of ISO 4259 may be used to resolve such disputes provided replicate
                                  measurements, of sufficient number to archive the necessary precision, are made in
                                  preference to single determinations.
                                    The actual sulphur content of the fuel used for the Type I test shall be reported.
                                    Even though oxidation stability is controlled, it is likely that shelf life will be limited.
                                  Advice should be sought from the supplier as to storage conditions and life.
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