Page 641 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 641


                                  Total sulphur content  mg/kg  maximum 10  maximum 10       EN 24260
                                  Hydrogen sulphide              none           none         ISO 8819
                                  Copper strip corrosion Rating  Class 1       Class 1       ISO 6251 (1)

                                  Odour                      Characteristic  Characteristic
                                  Motor octane number        minimum 92.5   minimum 92.5  EN 589 Annex B
                                    This method may not accurately determine the presence of corrosive materials if the
                                  sample contains corrosion inhibitors or other chemicals which diminish the corrosivity of
                                  the sample to the copper strip. Therefore, the addition of such compounds for the sole
                                  purpose of biasing the test method is prohibited.

                                                             ANNEXURE IV-N
                                                              [Refer Rule 115(15)]       ANNEXURE IV-N
                                              SPECIFICATION OF COMMERCIAL GASOLINE FUEL

                                              Characteristics            Unit           Requirements
                                                                                    Unleaded    Unleaded
                                                                                    regular     premium
                                  Color, visual                                  Orange       Red
                                  Density @ 15˚C                     kg/m        720-775      720-775
                                  Distillation :
                                  (a) Recovery up to 70˚C (E 70)     % volume    10-45        10-45
                                  (b) Recovery up to 100˚C (E 100)   % volume    40-70        40-70

                                  (c) Recovery up to 150˚C (E 150)   % volume    75 min       75 min
                                  (d) Final Boiling Point (FBP), max  ˚C         210          210
                                  (e) Residue, max                   % volume    2            2
                                  Research Octane Number (RON) min               91           95
                                  Motor Octane Number (MON), min                 81           85
                                  Gum content (solvent washed), max  mg/100 ml   5            5
                                  Oxidation Stability, min           minutes     360          360

                                  Sulphur, total, max                mg/kg       50           50
                                  Lead content (as Pb), max          g/l         0.005        0.005
                                  Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP), max    kPa         60           60
                                  Vapour Lock Index (VLI)
                                  (a) Summer, max                                750          750
                                  (b) Other months, max                          950          950

                                  Benzene Content, max               % volume    1            1
   636   637   638   639   640   641   642   643   644   645   646