Page 784 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 784
14. Jammu and Kashmir JK
[14A. Jharkhand JH]
15. Karnataka KA
16. Kerala KL
17. Lakshadweep LD
18. Madhya Pradesh MP
19. Maharashtra MH
20 Manipur MN
21. Meghalaya ML
22. Mizoram MZ
23. Nagaland NL
24. Orissa OR
25. Pondicherry PY
26. Punjab PB
27. Rajasthan RJ
28. Sikkim SK
29. Tamil Nadu TN
30. Tripura TR
31. Uttar Pradesh UP
[31A. Uttarakhand UK]
32. West Bengal WB
2. Where the four figures referred to in paragraph 1 reaches 9999, the next series
shall begin with alphabet ‘A’ followed by not more than four figures and thereafter with
alphabet ‘B’ followed by not more than four figures and so on until all the alphabets,
excluding ‘I’ and ‘O’ are exhausted:
[PROVIDED that the letters shall be in English and the figures shall be in Arabic
PROVIDED FURTHER that the State Government may direct by notification that
an additional plate displaying the letters and figures in any other specified Indian
language out of those mentioned in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution, may also
be displayed on the motor vehicle, if so desired by the owner of the vehicle:
PROVIDED ALSO that in all cases the letters and figures shall be painted in
reflecting colours and shall be shown,—
(a) in the case of transport vehicles other than those under the Rent-a-Cab
Scheme, 1989, in black on white ground;
(b) in the case of motor vehicles temporarily registered, in red on yellow
1. Inserted vide SO 14(E), dt. 5-1-2001.
2. Substituted vide SO 606(E), dt. 19-4-2007.
3. Substituted vide SO 827(E), dt. 11-11-1992.