Page 808 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 808
12. The retention and release of the IS:13944:1994 as Date of publication of
windows fitted on buses. amended from time to this notification.
13. Wheel guards (mud-guards) used IS:13944:1994 as Date of publication of
on passenger cars. amended from time to this notification.
14. Wheel nuts, wheel disc and hub IS:13941:1994 as Date of publication of
caps of passenger cars, light and amended from time to this notification.
heavy commercial vehicles. time
15. The accelerator control system IS:14283:1995 as Date of publication of
fitted on all motor vehicles other amended from time to this notification.
than three wheelers of engine time
capacity less than 500cc, motor
cycles and tractors.
16. The door locks and door retention IS:14225:1995 as Date of publication of
components fitted on cars and light amended from time to this notification.
passenger and commercial vehicles. time
17. The hood latch system fitted on IS:14226:1995 as Date of publication of
passenger cars and commercial amended from time to this notification.
vehicles. time
18. Tell-Tale systems and control on IS:14413:1996 as Date of publication of
two wheeler and three wheeler amended from time to this notification.
vehicles. time
19. Tell-Tale symbols and control on Safety Standard No. Date of publication of
motor vehicles other than 3 wheeled 12.1 this notification.
vehicles with handle bar, 2 wheeled
vehicles and tractors.
[20. Installation requirement for AIS-008/2001 1st December, 2004
lighting and light signalling devices
for non-transport and transport
vehicles having more than three
wheels, and their trailers and
semi-trailers, subject to the
(i) Installation requirement for Clauses 6.2. 6.1 of 1st October, 2005
vertical orientation of dipped beam AIS-008/2001
(ii) Performance requirement of the Safety Standard No. 13th December, 2004
lighting, light signalling and 15.1 and valid upto 30th
direction indicator systems; September, 2005.
AIS-012/2004 1st October, 2005.
1. Substituted vide SO 451(E), dt. 30-3-2005.