Page 812 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 812
*39. The requirements for the AIS:045/2004 1st April, 2005.
windscreen wiping system for three
wheelers manufactured on and
after 1-4-2005.
*40. The interior noise level AIS:020/2004 1st April, 2005.
requirements for the vehicles for
transport vehicles of M2, M3, N2
and N3 category manufactured on
and after 1-4-2005.
[41. Requirements for bumpers fitted on AIS:006/2005, as 1st April, 2008.
M1 category of vehicles. amended from time to
42. Requirements for handholds fitted AIS:046/2005, as 1st April, 2008.
on L5, M and N categories of amended from time to
vehicles specified in the standard. time
43. Requirements for light alloy wheel AIS:073/2005, (Part 1 1st April, 2008.
rims, sheet metal wheel rims and to Part 3) as amended
spoke wheel rims, fitted on L from time to time
category vehicles.
44. Protective devices against AIS:074/2005, as 1st April, 2008.
unauthorized use for L category amended from time to
vehicles. time
45. The arrangement and mode of AIS:035/2006, as 1st April, 2008.]
operation of foot controls on M1 amended from time to
category of vehicles. time
*Fresh Type Approval/Revalidation of existing Type Approval would be required
for new items.
1. Inserted vide Notification No. SO 1431(E), dt. 20-8-2007.