Page 816 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 816


                                 8.   Accreditation system implementation mechanism and its role
                                      Accreditation agencies shall be responsible to implement subject Accreditation
                                 system by following the laid down procedure. The process flow chart of accreditation
                                 is indicated in Chart No. BBB:07.
                                 9.   Functions of the Accreditation agencies
                                      Accreditation agencies under the supervision of designated person shall carry out
                                 following functions, namely:—
                                        (a) Designated representative shall function as Head-Accreditation Dept. of
                                            particular Accreditation Agency.
                                        (b) Head, Accreditation Dept. shall supervise and control all the accreditation
                                            related activities.
                                        (c) Planning of assessments.
                                        (d) To invite and accept applications for accreditation from prospective Bus
                                            Body Builders.
                                        (e) To scrutinise applications and obtain additional information, if required.
                                        (f) To nominate assessors to carry out audit.
                                        (g) To compile assessment reports.
                                        (h) To take the action of preparing and issue the final Accreditation Certificate.
                                        (i) To put up periodically the Accreditation Status Report to CMVR-TSC.
                                        (j) To suggest the improvements in the accreditation system based on the
                                            experience and feedback.
                                        (k) Any other function as may be related to the activity.
                                 10.  Accreditation procedure
                                        (I) Application :
                                            (a) The Bus Body Builder intending to get the accreditation shall apply to
                                                any Accreditation agency in the prescribed application form (Form
                                                No. BBB:01) in duplicate.
                                            (b) The application shall be accompanied with such application fee as may
                                                be decided from time-to-time by the CMVR-TSC.
                                            (c) While applying for accreditation, the Bus Body Builder shall ensure
                                                that all the details required as per clause 6 and clause 7 are included.
                                            (d) Applicant shall ensure that the copies of the statutory and other
                                                required documents are enclosed with the application.
                                        (II) Acknowledgement, scrutiny and processing of Application :
                                            (a) Accreditation Agency, on receipt of the application along with its
                                                enclosures and the requisite fees, etc., shall issue an acknowledgement
                                                along with receipt to Bus Body Builder allotting unique Customer
                                                Registration Number (CRN) to Bus Body Builder to be used in future
                                                for reference and correspondence.
                                            (b) The  preliminary scrutiny of the  application shall be  done  by
                                                accreditation department of testing agency. Additional information or
                                                clarification, if necessary  can be sought. If there  are gross
                                                shortcomings, the Bus Body Builder shall be asked to comply with the
                                                requirements and shall resubmit the application with Compliance
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