Page 832 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 832
(18) The driver may take his feet off the pedals or foot rests only if the road
conditions so require or safely permit.
6. Lane traffic
(1) Where any road is marked by lanes for movement of traffic, the driver
shall drive within the lane, and change lanes only after giving a proper signal or
road marking or signage.
(2) Where any lane is marked specially for a class of vehicles, a vehicle of
that class shall drive in that lane only.
(3) Where a lane has been marked for a specified class of vehicles or for a
special purpose, no other vehicle of any other class shall be driven in that lane.
(4) Where a road is divided by a longitudinal yellow or white solid line, the
driver, proceeding in the same direction and trying to overtake another vehicle
ahead, shall not cross the said yellow or white solid line.
(5) While approaching inter-sections, where turning lanes are marked with
a single solid line, the driver shall ensure that the vehicle remains in the lane meant
for the direction of manoeuvre.
(6) The driver shall not drive on or over a single or double longitudinal solid
line, or on a painted traffic island except in case of obstructions on the road.
(7) On a road having a single broken line along with a solid line, the driver
of the vehicle driving on the left of broken line may cross the broken line in order
to overtake, but shall return to his lane after completing the manoeuvre, observing
the safety precautions specified in regulation 12.
7. Right of way
(1) Where a “STOP” sign is displayed on a road, the driver facing the sign
(a) stop before crossing the transverse “STOP” line preceding the “STOP”
(b) in case a “STOP” line is not marked, or is marked but is not visible,
stop immediately before “STOP” sign;
(c) give way to traffic on the major road; and
(d) enter the major road only when the way ahead is clear.
(2) Where a “Give Way” sign is displayed on the road, supplemented by a
single or double broken transverse “Give Way” road marking, the driver shall
slowdown, give way to traffic on the road he is approaching, and proceed cautiously.
(3) If there is no pedestrian crossing marked before the “Give Way” sign or
“STOP” sign, the driver shall give way to the pedestrians.
(4) The vehicle emerging onto a road from a property bordering thereon shall
give way to the motor vehicles and other traffic already running on that road.
8. Left, right and ‘U’ turns
The driver shall plan well in advance of a turn, move to the appropriate lane
of the road and give signal for the intended turn in the following manner, namely:—