Page 835 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 835

REG. 12        MOTOR VEHICLES (DRIVING) REGULATIONS, 2017            807

                          11. Indication of signals
                               (1) The driver shall clearly indicate his intention to change course, turn left
                          or right and before making any manoeuvre, using mechanical or electrical devices
                          fitted in the vehicle or by hand signals.
                               (2) In case a mechanical or electrical device is not fitted in the vehicle for
                          giving signals or, the said device is provided but not functioning, the driver shall
                          give manual signals as specified below—
                                   (i) to stop, a driver shall raise his right forearm vertically outside of,
                                       and to the right of, the vehicle, palm to the right;
                                   (ii) to turn to the right or to drive to the right-hand side of the road in
                                       order to pass another vehicle or for any other reason, the driver shall
                                       extend his right arm in a horizontal position outside of, and to the
                                       right of, his vehicle with the palm of the hand turned to the front;
                                  (iii) to turn to the left or to drive to the left-hand side of the road, the
                                       driver shall extend his right arm and rotate it in an anti-clockwise
                                  (iv) to indicate to the driver of a vehicle behind him that the latter may
                                       overtake, the driver shall extend his right arm and hand horizontally
                                       outside of, and to the right of, the vehicle and shall swing the arm
                                       backward and forward in a semi-circular motion.
                          12. Traffic control signals
                               While approaching a traffic control signal, the vehicle shall slow down and
                          follow the directions given by the traffic control signals in the following manner,
                               (1) Red traffic light,—
                                   (a) a motor vehicle facing the red light of a traffic control signal at an
                                       intersection or at a place other than an intersection, shall stop the
                                       vehicle before the stop line preceding the pedestrian crossing;
                                   (b) if the stop line is not marked or, if marked is not visible, the vehicle
                                       shall stop before the pedestrian crossing;
                                   (c) if there is no marked pedestrian crossing, the vehicle shall stop before
                                       the primary traffic signal;
                                  (d) the vehicle shall move with caution after the green traffic signal turns
                                   (e) when, at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection, rapid
                                       intermittent flashes of red light are displayed by a traffic control
                                       signal, the vehicle facing the signal shall,—
                                        (i) stop before the stop line preceding the pedestrian crossing;
                                        (ii) stop before the pedestrian crossing if the stop line is not
                                            marked or, if marked is not visible;
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