Page 848 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 848
37. Use of mobile telephones and communication devices
(1) The driver shall not use any hand held mobile phone or other
communication device:
[PROVIDED that such use is solely for route navigation by fixing the device
on the dashboard of the vehicle in such a manner that shall not disturb the
concentration of the driver while driving.]
(2) No trainer or supervisor shall use a mobile phone or other communication
device while training or supervising a learner driver.
38. Production of documents
(1) The driver of a transport vehicle shall always carry with him the following
[documents in physical or electronic form], except for a document that might have
been seized by an authorised person or authority, namely:—
(a) driving licence;
(b) certificate of taxation;
(c) certificate of registration;
(d) certificate of insurance;
(e) fitness certificate; and
(f) pollution under control certificate.
(2) The driver of a vehicle transporting hazardous or dangerous goods shall
carry documents specified in rules 132 and 133 of the Central Motor Vehicles
Rules, 1989.
(3) The driver of a non-transport vehicle shall always carry with him [in
physical or electronic form]—
(a) the driving licence and pollution under control certificate; and
(b) certificate of registration and certificate of insurance or photocopies
(4) The driver shall, on demand by police officer in uniform or an officer of
the Motor Vehicles Department or any other officer authorised by the State
Government in this behalf, produce the documents for inspection:
PROVIDED that a driver may, if any of the documents has been submitted
to or has been seized by any officer or authority under the Act or the rules made
thereunder or any other law for the time being in force, produce, in lieu of the
document, a receipt or other acknowledgement issued by such officer or authority
in respect thereof:
PROVIDED FURTHER that where the original certificate of registration or
the certificate of insurance specified in clause (b) of sub-regulation (3) is not
available with the driver, the owner or driver shall produce such documents
before the competent authority, which had directed their production, within
fifteen days, if required by that authority.
1. Inserted vide GSR 586(E), dt. 25-9-2020, w.e.f. 1-10-2020.
2. Substituted for “documents in originalª, ibid.