Page 852 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 852
(2) The words and expressions used herein but not defined and defined in the
Act shall have the same meanings respectively assigned to them in that Act.
3. Forms, contents and duration of the permit
(1) An application for the grant of Inter-Country transport permit shall be made
in Form annexed to these rules to the State Transport Authority.
(2) The application made under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by a fee as
mention in the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), if any, and shall be accompanied
by the following documents, namely:—
(a) Valid registration certificate;
(b) valid certificate of fitness (wherever applicable);
(c) valid insurance policy;
(d) valid permit;
(e) valid pollution under control certificate.
(3) The State Transport Authority may, after satisfying itself that the application
submitted under sub-rule (1) is complete in all respects and the applicant satisfies all
requirements for issuance of a permit and after making such enquiry as it thinks fit
and necessary grant the Inter-Country transport permit.
(4) Every Inter-Country transport permit shall remain valid for a period of one
year from the date of its issue and it shall be renewable for a period of five years on
yearly basis.
4. Eligibility conditions of Inter-Country transport vehicle
(1) An Inter-Country transport vehicle shall be so constructed and maintained
as to be at all times under the effective control of the person driving it.
(2) The following documents shall be available in an Inter-Country transport
vehicle operating under Inter-Country transport permit, namely:—
(a) valid registration certificate issued under the law of the country concerned;
(b) valid certificate of fitness issued under the law of the country concerned;
(c) valid insurance policy;
(d) valid permit under the law of the country concerned;
(e) list of passengers with details of their nationality in case of passenger
vehicle; and
(f) valid pollution under control certificate;
(g) a valid explosive license, if any kind of hazardous goods are being
transported in respect of such vehicle and shall make all the said documents
available for inspection by any authority competent to inspect such vehicle;
(h) in case of goods, valid invoice, e-way bill and custom bonds etc.
@ Should be read “mentioned”