Page 898 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 898


                                                          FORM III
                                                       [Paragraph 22(1)]
                                                                               Serial No. ...................
                                                                    Claims Settlement Commissioner

                                                                    District .............................................
                               I hereby sanction Rs. …………………... (Rupees ………………………….only)
                          as compensation in respect of the death of .........(Name of deceased)/grievous hurt
                          to...........(Name of the injured) resulting from hit and run motor accidents which
                          took place at ...................... (Name of place) on ........................................ (Date) to
                          Shri/Shrimati/ legal representative of the deceased (......................)
                          or to .......................................... (Name of injured).
                                                                    Claims Settlement Commissioner
                          CC to:—
                               1. Trust and General Insurance Council
                               2. The Claimant;
                               3. Motor Vehicles Accident Claims Tribunals;
                               4. Claims Enquiry Officer;
                               5. Member - Secretary of the Standing Committee.

                                                          FORM IV
                                                       [Paragraph 20(1)]
                                          UNDERTAKING FOR REFUND OF CLAIM
                                       (Under section 163 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988)
                               I/We ................................................................ as legal representative(s) of the
                          deceased/injured ....................................... hereby give undertaking that I/we shall
                          refund the amount of compensation that may be awarded to me/us under section
                          161 of the Act, to the Hit and Run Compensation Fund of the Motor Vehicle
                          Accident Fund in case I/we am/are awarded any other compensation or amount
                          in lieu of or by way of satisfaction of a claim for compensation in respect of death
                          or grievous hurt to ................................. under any other provisions of the Motor
                          Vehicles Act, 1988 or any other law for the time being in force or otherwise.

                                                                 Signature of the legal representative
                                                                      of the deceased/injured person
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