Page 627 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 627


                                   19. Steady Speed      11         50     12    12    155        3
                                   20. Deceleration      12   -0.52  50-35  8     8    163        3
                                   21.  Steady Speed     13         35     13    13    176        3
                                   22.  Gear Change      14                2     12    178
                                   23. Deceleration      14   -0.86  31-10  7    12    185        2
                                   24  Deceleration,     14   -0.92  10-0  3     12    188      K2(*)
                                       clutch disengaged
                                   25. Idling            15                7      7    195     7sPM(*)
                                              MODIFIED INDIAN DRIVING CYCLE FOR YEAR 2000
                                       Table—II: Operating cycle on the Chassis Dynamometer (Part two)
                                   No. of   Operation    Phase Acce-lerat  Speed  Duration of each Cumu-lat  Gear to
                                 ope-ration                      ion   (Km/h)  Ope-  Phase(s)  ive  be used
                                                                (m/s )                      time(s)  in the
                                                                                                    case of
                                                                                                   gear box
                                     1.  Idling           1                    20      20     20    K1(*)
                                     2.  Acceleration     2     0.83    0-15    5      41     25     1
                                     3.  Gear Change      2                     2      41     27      -
                                     4.  Acceleration     2     0.62   15-35    9      41     36     2
                                     5.  Gear Change      2                     2      41     38      -
                                     6.  Acceleration     2     0.52   35-50    8      41     46     3
                                     7.  Gear Change      2                     2      41     48      -
                                     8.  Acceleration     2     0.43   50-70   13      41     61     4
                                     9.  Steady Speed     3             70     50      50    111     5
                                    10.  Deceleration     4     -0.69  70-50    8      8     119   4s.5+4s.4
                                    11.  Steady Speed     5             50     69      69    188     4
                                    12.  Acceleration     6     0.43   50-70   13      13    201     4
                                    13.  Steady Speed     7             70     50      50    251     5
                                    14.  Acceleration     8     0.24   70-90   24      24    275     5
                                    15.  Steady Speed     9             90     83      83    358     5
                                    16.  Deceleration     10    -0.69  90-80    4      22    362     5
                                    17.  Deceleration     10    -1.04  80–50    8      22    370     5
                                    18.  Deceleration     10    -1.39  50-00   10      22    380    K2 (*)
                                    19.  Idling           11                   20      20    400    PM(*)
                                      (*) PM = gearbox in neutral, clutch engaged.
                                      K1, K2 = first or fifth gear engaged, clutch disengaged.
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