Page 798 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 798

770            THE LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS.....ORDER, 2001

                                        (ii) for the renewal of the rating certificate by the parallel marketeer, a fee of
                                            one-tenth of that required to be paid for such a certificate; and
                                       (iii) the renewal of rating certificate by the parallel marketeer shall be as per the
                                            following periodicity, namely:—
                                            (a) once in two years, for those having ’Good’ and ’Satisfactory’ rating
                                                certificate in the previous year,
                                            (b) once in a year for those having rating certificate other than ’Good’ and
                                                ’Satisfactory’ in the previous year.
                                      (5) The agencies given in Schedule II for the purpose of evaluation shall, on
                                 payment of fee by the parallel marketeer, evaluate the parallel marketeer whose case is
                                 either referred to it or who approaches it, on the basis of the parameters indicated and
                                 the information provided by such parallel marketeer in the format as specified in
                                 Schedule III or such other information as may be required by the rating agency.
                                      (6) Every parallel marketeer shall file a certified true copy of the certificate of rating
                                 with the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Oil Co-ordination Committee, Ministry
                                 of Food and Civil Supplies of the Central and the State Government and Collector of the
                                 District in which he imports (including Auto LPG Import Substitution), transports,
                                 markets, distributes or sells auto LPG for automotive fuel.
                                        (a) All letterheads or communications of a parallel marketeer shall have the
                                            following description of rating, namely:—
                                             (i) Name of the rating agency,
                                            (ii) Rating awarded to him, and
                                            (iii) Date of issue.
                                        (b) No parallel marketeer shall either give incomplete, incorrect, misleading,
                                            vague information in the newspaper,  handout,  pamphlet,  leaflet or
                                            advertisement or submit such information to the rating agency.
                                 7.   Maintenance of registers, account books and submission of return by the dealer
                                      Every auto LPG dispensing  station  dealer shall  maintain accounts of  daily
                                 purchase, sale and storage of auto LPG as an automotive fuel at the auto LPG dispensing
                                 station and/or storage point, indicating therein the opening and closing stock of auto
                                 LPG and such other relevant particulars as the Government Oil Company or the parallel
                                 marketeer may, by order, in writing, specify.
                                 8.   Maintenance of records and furnishing of information by parallel marketeers
                                      (1) Every parallel marketeer before commencing the import (including Auto LPG
                                 Import Substitution), transportation, marketing, distribution or sale of auto LPG as an
                                 automotive fuel shall intimate to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, all or any
                                 of the above activities which he intends to undertake, specifying therein capability to
                                 do so, and any other relevant particulars.
                                      (2) Every parallel marketeer shall submit a monthly return before the 15th day of
                                 the following month giving details of auto LPG imported port-wise (including Auto
                                 LPG  Import Substitution, source-wise)  to the Ministry of Petroleum  and  Natural
                                 Gas/Oil Co-ordination Committee.
                                      (3) Every parallel marketeer shall furnish to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
                                 Gas, or to  such authority as  may  be specified by the Central Government,  such
                                 information as may be required.
                                 9.   Power of entry, search and seizure
                                      (1) Any officer of the Central or the State Government, not below the rank of
                                 Inspector duly authorized by general or special order, by the Central Government or
                                 State Government, as the case may be, or any officer of a Government Oil Company not
                                 below the rank of Sales Officer, authorized by the Central Government may, with a view
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