Page 866 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 866
14. Audits and Certifications
(1) The Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility shall be audited by the Registration
Authority for compliance with these rules.
(2) On behalf of the Registration Authority, any of the agencies specified under
rule 126 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 or in such list, may undertake,—
(a) regulatory and compliance audit; and
(b) audit of the mass flow statement as maintained in Form-3 by the Registered
Vehicle Scrapping Facility.
(3) The audit report shall also grade and evaluate the Registered Vehicle Scrapping
Facility in terms of its performance and adherence to occupational health and safety
compliances, regulatory, business, environment and labour standards and the respective
recycling rates basis, the mass flow information recorded in Form-3 achieved by the
Registered Scrapper.
(4) Such audit report shall be uploaded on the portal by the Registered Scrapper
annually for a financial year or part thereof and shall be submitted by the 31st May
(within two months of completion of financial year) of that financial year.
(5) Observations of non-compliance as reported in the audit report shall be
resolved by the Registered Scrapper within two months of issue of the audit report
which may be extended by a maximum of one-month by the Registration Authority.
(6) The Registered Scrapper shall ensure that ISO certifications are revalidated
at least three months before their expiry.
15. Appeal
(1) Any person aggrieved by an order passed under sub-rule (5) of rule 9, of the
Registration Authority may within thirty days of the date of receipt of such order,
appeal to the Appellate Authority.
(2) The appeal shall be preferred in a plain application format, setting forth the
grounds of objections to the order passed by the Registration Authority and shall be
accompanied by a certified copy of the order appealed against and fee of Rs 10,000/
- (Rupees Ten Thousand only).
(3) The Appellate Authority shall dispose the appeal within thirty working days
from the date of appeal.
[Refer rule 6(1)]
Application for Please tick as applicable
Registration for a new RVSF
Renewal of Registration for existing RVSF
Modification in existing registration