Page 865 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 865
(6) Scrapping Yard shall be equipped with a depollution system, preferably with
zero discharge system and dismantling work shall be done using technology for
processing the End-of-Life vehicles, goods and other scraps.
(7) The Scrapping Yard shall comply with relevant health and safety legislation
or regulation and environmental norms.
(8) The Scrapping yard shall have,—
(a) Suitable earmarked area for parking of waste vehicles on non-permeable
asphalt or concrete or epoxy coated flooring with adequate drainage facility
and no waste or potentially waste vehicle shall be parked on roads or
public spaces even during processing of applications for deposit and shall
be accommodated within the premises of the Registered Vehicle Scrapping
Facility only.
(b) Certified de-polluting equipment to ensure zero leakage of pollutants
during draining of fuels or fluids or gases and liquids, certified de-risking
equipment for safe neutralization or removal of airbags, pretensioner, etc.,
appropriate dismantling equipment for the activities defined (such as de-
risking, depolluting, dismantling, shredding, shearing, bailing, etc.),
designated areas for storing the segregated scrap, adequate space for
storage and handling of segregated spares, designated space for temporary
storage of automotive hazardous waste such as tyres, batteries, fuel, oils,
liquids and gases, suitable safety and occupational health equipment,
material handling equipment for the safe transportation of spares, scrap,
(c) Appropriate Industrial grade lighting and ventilation systems, conformity
to noise pollution norms and appropriate effluent treatment plants or water
recycling plants.
(9) Scrapping Yards shall accredit themselves with the latest version of quality
standards viz. ISO 9001 (Quality management system), ISO14001 (Environmental
Management System) and ISO 45001 (Occupational health and safety) within twelve
months of commencement of operations.
(10) In case Scrapping Yards do not have adequate capability or provisions for
responsible recycling of hazardous waste (like e-waste, lead acid batteries, lithium-
ion components, or for recovery of rare earth metals, etc.), or for recycling of scrap
material which is outside its scope, then such materials shall be sold to duly authorized
recyclers or agencies, who have adequate capability and licence.
(11) Records of the transactions shall be maintained, clearly stating the volumes
off-loaded and the name, authorisation number, Permanent Account Number, Goods
and Services Tax and other commercial details of the authorized recycler/agency. Such
records shall be subjected to periodical audit.
(12) Collection Centre may be established by a Registered Vehicle Scrapping
Facility at any other place, other than the Scrapping Yard if collection center undertakes
activities such as depollution and dismantling and the requirements applicable for
Scrapping Yard shall also be applicable to such Collection Center.