Page 860 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 860
(7) Such portal shall be operationalised within six months from the date of
notification of these rules and till such time as this portal is operationalised, processing
of these cases shall be done manually by respective State Governments or Union
territory Governments.
(8) After the operationalisation of the portal referred to in sub-rule (5), all
subsequent approvals, etc. shall be granted through the portal and reports regarding
the inspection and audit of Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility should be made
available on the portal.
(9) The necessary approvals by the State Pollution Control Board, Labour
Department and any other department deemed necessary for the establishing or
operation of such Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility shall be provided through that
portal only.
(10) The State Government or Union territory Government shall publish a Citizen‘s
Charter on the portal and the procedure for grant of approvals on such portal.
(11) The process shall be transparent and seamless and all the notifications,
guidelines, forms, etc. shall be made available on the portal established in sub-rule
(5), and the applications shall be made electronically and disposed-off in time-bound
7. Validity and renewal of registration
(1) The registration issued under rule 6 shall be valid for an initial period of ten
years, which shall be renewable for another ten years at a time, subject to the condition
that the Registered Scrapper has not been in default of the provisions as specified in
rule 14.
(2) An application for renewal of registration may be made three months before
expiry of such registration.
(3) Application for renewal shall be in Form-1 and shall carry such renewal fee
and security deposit as may be specified by the State or Union territory Government
for this purpose.
(4) The renewal of registration shall be issued as per Form-1A.
(5) The registration issued under this rule shall not be transferable.
8. Criteria for scrapping of vehicles
The following vehicles may be offered for scrapping to the Registered Scrapper,—
(i) Vehicles which have not renewed their Certificate of Registration in
accordance with rule 52 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
(ii) Vehicles which have not been granted a certificate of fitness in accordance
with rule 62 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
(iii) Vehicles which have been damaged due to fire, riot, natural disaster,
accident or any calamity, following which the registered owner self-certifies
the same as scrap.