Page 674 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 674
(c) With the embedded chip facing downward and the edge of the
card closer to the chip placed towards the clamping device.
(d) With the embedded chip facing downward and the edge of the
card closer to the chip placed away from the clamping device.
(2) The maximum permitted bending deformation shall be identical
in all the four configurations.
(ii) Resistance to chemicals : Cards shall be resistant to the chemicals as
described in ISO/IEC 7810 section 8.4. The chemical resistance shall
be tested as per the procedure outlined in ISO/IEC 10373-1 section 5.4,
using reagents both for short-term and long-term contamination.
(iii) Storage Requirements :
(1) The card characteristics as defined in this section of the document
shall remain unaltered for the following range of temperature and
humidity as storage requirements, namely:—
(a) Temperature range of 5-40˚C.
(b) Relative humidity range of 10-85%.
(2) The cards shall be tested for the bending stiffness after exposing it
to the following two environment conditions, namely:—
(I) 5˚C at 10% RH, and
(II) 40˚C at 85% RH.
(3) The exposure for each of these two conditions shall be for one hour
in the environment. This test only establishes the card charac-
teristics and does not establish any print quality characteristics,
which are defined later.
(iv) Peel Strength : The peel strength of the component layers of the card
material shall be as per the minimum specified in ISO/IEC 7810 section
8.8. The peel strength shall be tested as per the procedure outlined in
ISO/IEC 10373-1 section 5.4 with a peeling angle of 90˚.
(v) Adhesion Resistance :
(a) When finished cards are stacked together in a stock of 5 cards and
applied 1.5 Kg dead weight from the top, kept for 7 days at 40 +
3˚C, 80%RH, no card shall show any adverse effect such as
delamination, discolouration or colour transfer to adjacent cards,
changes to surface finish, transfer of material from one card to
another and deformation. The physical dimension of the all cards
shall remain as described in section 5 of this document.
(b) The cards shall be tested for easy separation by hand for randomly
chosen cards in the middle of the stack and will be inspected
visually for the colour transfer, discolouration, changes in the
surface finish etc. The dimension of the cards, card warpage and
surface distortion after each test shall be tested to be within the
limits as described in this document.