Page 677 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 677
III. Specifications for Printing on the finished card surface
(a) Printing Requirements on finished cards : The finished cards shall be as
per the specifications outlined in this document. The finished cards shall
then be subjected to personalisation - electronic as well as visual on the card
surfaces. Typically, dye sublimation printing is used for visual
personalisation. These tests shall be performed after printing on the card
surfaces - both bottom as well as top, using the standard card printers being
used in the field for visual personalisation. The printing of text and
photograph for the testing shall be as typical of any driving license and
vehicle registration certificate and as specified in the visual layout for the
(b) Ink Adhesion
(i) The personalised printing on the cards shall show good quality ink
adhesion as indicated below. (Ref: IPC-TM-650 Test Method Number
2.4.1 for Adhesion Tape testing).
(ii) With the tape and procedure as described in the test method, the
evaluation shall be carried out. The visual examination of the tape used
for the testing and the test area of the substrate will be carried out for
the ink adhesion performance of the specimen in the following grades,
Grade 1: No removal of ink (tape will not show any marking of the ink when
peeled off).
Grade 2: Slight removal of ink (tape will show markings of the ink but the
ink impressions on tape adhesive side will not be readable)
amounting to % of ink removal.
Grade 3: High removal of ink (the ink impression on the tape adhesive side
will be readable) amounting to more than 10% of ink removal.
(c) Exposure to the environmental parameters
(i) The visually personalized cards shall be tested for ink adhesion after
exposing it to the following two environment conditions, namely:—
(A) 5˚C at 10%RH; and
(B) 40˚C at 85%RH.
(ii) The exposure for each of these two conditions shall be for one hour in
the environment and the ink adhesion test will be performed
immediately after the exposure. The specimen shall show Grade 1
quality for both tests.
(d) Exposure to UV : The visually personalised cards shall be exposed to UV
lighting for 21 minutes at UV irradiance of 0.12 mW/mm at 254 nm
wavelength as per the testing procedure defined in ISO/IEC 10373-1 section
5.11. Immediately after the exposure cycle, the visual personalisation shall
be tested for the ink adhesion. The specimen shall show Grade 2 or Grade
1 quality for the test.
(e) Stacking and layering : When visually personalised cards are stacked
together in a stock of 5 cards and applied 1.5 Kg dead weight from the top,
kept for 2 days at 40 + 3˚C, 80% RH, no printing on the card surfaces shall
show any adverse effect discolouration or colour transfer to adjacent cards.
The cards after subjecting to this test shall be tested for ink adhesion. The
specimen shall show Grade 1 quality for the test.]