Page 486 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 486

458             THE CENTRAL MOTOR VEHICLES RULES, 1989           RULE 189

                                                                                      (iii) In case of the tests
                                                                                      for IPXXD inside the
                                                                                      passenger compartment
                                                                                      or luggage
                                                                                      compartment, the
                                                                                      access probe may
                                                                                      penetrate to its full
                                                                                      length, but the stop face
                                                                                      shall not fully penetrate
                                                                                      through the opening.
                                                                                      (2) Functional test
                                                                                      (i) When the
                                                                                      requirements of IPXXB
                                                                                      and IPXXD are verified
                                                                                      by a signal circuit
                                                                                      between the probe and
                                                                                      live parts, ensure that
                                                                                      the lamp shall not light
                                  (32) Insulation    No      No    Functional AIS-038  Functional test
                                      Resistance                            (Rev. 1) and  requirements:
                                      Measurement                           (Rev. 2) as  (i) Insulation resistance
                                      Test (For                             amended   measured should be
                                      Electric                              from time to greater than 500W/V.
                                      vehicles &                            time      (ii) The measurement of
                                      hybrid electric                                 test parameters may be
                                      power train                                     automated while test
                                      vehicles only)                                  set-up is manual
                                      If system
                                      voltage is >60
                                      V DC or 30 V
                                  (33) State of      No      Yes    Visual  AIS-038   Visual inspection
                                      Charge (SOC)                          (Rev. 1)  parameters:
                                      Indicator on                                    (i) Manufacturer
                                      Dashboard                                       supplied SOC indicator
                                      (For Electric                                   shall be in working
                                      vehicles only)                                  condition to see
                                                                                      charging status of
                                                      Tests to be conducted on Two Wheelers
                                  (34) Headlight     Yes     Yes   Functional AIS-009  The vertical inclination
                                                                   and Visual (Rev.1):  of the passing beam
                                                                            2011, Clause headlamp shall remain
                                                                            No.  between - 0.5% and -
                                                                                      2.5%, except in the case
                                                                                      where an external
                                                                                      adjusting device is
                                  (35) Emission
                                      (a) Exhaust    Yes     No    Functional Rule 115 (2)
                                      gas emission -                        (i) - TABLE
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