Page 482 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 482

454             THE CENTRAL MOTOR VEHICLES RULES, 1989           RULE 189

                                                                                      (vi) Handrails or
                                                                                      stanchions shall be
                                                                                      provided at the
                                                                                      entrance of all Type I
                                                                                      (vii) All Type I NDX
                                                                                      buses shall be provided
                                                                                      with controls adjacent
                                                                                      to priority seats for
                                                                                      requesting stops and
                                                                                      which alert the driver
                                                                                      that a mobility aid user
                                                                                      wishes to disembark;
                                                                                      (viii) Communication
                                                                                      devices shall be placed
                                                                                      adjacent to any priority
                                  (22) Wheel chair   No      Yes    Visual  sub-rules (1) Visual inspection
                                      entry/housing/                        and (7) of  parameters:
                                      locking                               rule 125C,  (i) Buses fitted with a
                                      arrangement                           AIS-052   wheelchair space shall
                                      for wheel                             (Rev. 1) and  have pictogram(s)
                                      chair for                             AIS-153   visible from the outside,
                                      differently                                     both on the front
                                      abled                                           nearside of the bus and
                                      passengers                                      adjacent to the relevant
                                      and                                             service door(s);
                                      passengers                                      (ii) One of the
                                      with reduced                                    pictograms shall be
                                      mobility                                        placed internally
                                                                                      adjacent to each
                                                                                      wheelchair space
                                                                                      indicating whether the
                                                                                      wheelchair is to be
                                                                                      positioned facing the
                                                                                      front or the rear of the
                                                                                      (iii) Wheelchair space
                                                                                      shall be provided with a
                                                                                      restraint system capable
                                                                                      of restraining the
                                                                                      wheelchair and the
                                                                                      wheelchair user;
                                                                                      (iv) Ensure sufficient
                                                                                      space available for the
                                                                                      Wheelchair user to
                                                                                      maneuver without the
                                                                                      assistance of a person;
                                                                                      (v) Vehicles of Type I
                                                                                      shall have identified
                                                                                      area to accommodate at
                                                                                      least one wheelchair
                                                                                      (vi) Communication
                                                                                      devices shall be placed
                                                                                      within identified
                                                                                      wheelchair area.
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