Page 492 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 492

464             THE CENTRAL MOTOR VEHICLES RULES, 1989           RULE 190

                                                     (g) Maximum deviation of   (g) Maximum deviation of
                                                     inclination measurement (vehicle inclination measurement (vehicle
                                                     orientation): ± 0.1%       orientation): ±   0.1%
                                    8  Opacimeter    (a) Equipment to meet      (a) Equipment to meet
                                                     specifications as per      specifications as per
                                                     MoRTH/Central Motor Vehicles  MoRTH/Central Motor Vehicles
                                                     Rules, 1989/TAP 115/116 or AIS  Rules,1989/TAP 115/116 or AIS
                                                     137 (part 8)               137 (part 8)
                                    9  Exhaust gas   (a) The equipment should   (a) The equipment should
                                       analyzer      measure gas emissions of   measure gas emissions of
                                                     gasoline, CNG, LPG as per  gasoline, CNG, LPG as per
                                                     Central Motor Vehicles     Central Motor Vehicles
                                                     Rules,1989/TAP 115/116 or AIS  Rules,1989/TAP 115/116 or AIS
                                                     137 (part 8)               137 (part 8)
                                                     (b) Threshold limits as per  (b) Threshold limits as per
                                                     relevant provisions in rule 115  relevant provisions in rule 115
                                                     (c) Measuring resolution to be as  (c) Measuring resolution to be as
                                                     follows:                   follows:
                                                     (i) CO: 0.01%              (i) CO: 0.01%
                                                     (ii) CO2: 0.1%             (ii) CO2: 0.1%
                                                     (iii) HC: 1 ppm            (iii) HC: 1 ppm
                                                     (iv) O2: 0.02% for measured  (iv) O2: 0.02% for measured
                                                     values <= 4 % values & 0.1% for  values <=4% values & 0.1% for
                                                     measured values >= 4%      measured values >= 4%
                                                     (v) Lambda: 0.001          (v) Lambda: 0.001
                                                     RPM counter: 10 rpm        RPM counter: 10 rpm
                                                     (d) The maximum deviation  (d) The maximum deviation
                                                     allowed in the rpm counter shall  allowed in the rpm counter shall
                                                     be ± 20 rpm or ± 2 % of the  be ± 20 rpm or ± 2% of the
                                                     reading, whichever is greater.  reading, whichever is greater
                                                     (e) Probe to be mechanically  (e) Probe to be mechanically
                                                     clamped to the tail pipe for  clamped to the tail pipe for
                                                     suitable analysis of exhaust gas.  suitable analysis of exhaust gas.
                                                     Ambient air quality should not  Ambient air quality should not
                                                     be disturbed due to exhaust gas  be disturbed due to exhaust gas
                                                     emissions. Suitable mechanism  emissions. Suitable mechanism
                                                     to be incorporated for extraction  to be incorporated for extraction
                                                     of exhaust gas from the shed  of exhaust gas from the shed.
                                   10  Speedometer   (a) Suitable dimension of track  (a) Suitable dimension of track
                                       Tester/Speed  weight, roller diameter and axle  weight, roller diameter and axle
                                       Governor Tester  separation, as per the Matrix  separation, as per the Matrix
                                                     given in clause (7) of this rule  given in clause (7) of this rule
                                                     (b) Provision for lifting and  (b) Provision for lifting and
                                                     braking of roller for easy exit of  braking of roller for easy exit of
                                                     vehicle                    vehicle
                                                     (c) Measuring range: 20 - 160  (c) Measuring range: 25 - 100
                                                     km/h                       km/h
                                                     (d) Resolution: 1 km/h     (d) Resolution: 1 km/h
                                                     (e) Accuracy: ± 1% of indicated  (e) Accuracy: ± 1% of indicated
                                                     reading                    reading
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