Page 907 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 907


                               (10) Implementing a zero-tolerance policy on the use of drugs or alcohol
                          applicable to any Driver,  provide notice of the zero-tolerance policy on its website,
                          as well as the procedure to report a complaint about a Driver when a passenger
                          reasonably suspects that the Driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol
                          during the course of the ride. The Aggregator shall immediately Off board such
                          Driver upon receipt of a passenger’s complaint alleging violation of the zero-
                          tolerance policy. The suspension shall last or continue during the period of
                          investigation by the Aggregator.
                               (11) Establishing a control room with 24x7 operations and ensuring that all
                          the vehicles, on direction of the Aggregator, maintain uninterrupted contact with
                          the control room. The control room shall be in a position to monitor the movements
                          of all the vehicles on the directions of the Aggregator..
                               (12) Estabtishing call centres with valid telephone number and operational
                          email address displayed clearly on the App with 24x7 operations wherein assistance
                          shall be provided to the Rider and/or the Driver in English and Hindi as the
                          primary languages, for both the Driver and the Rider along with the option of
                          an official language of the relevant state. These call centres shall be responsible
                          for the following:
                                   (a) To enable the Rider and/or Driver to contact the Aggregator’s call
                                       centre in relation to issues concerning the ride, while the ride is in
                                       progress or after the completion of the ride for a period of 3 months
                                       as specified under sub-clause (4) above, by inclusion of a call feature
                                       on the App. The Aggregator shall also provide for the assigned
                                       Driver’s direct contact number, to be available to the Rider and
                                       accessible for a period of 24 hours from when the ride was availed.
                                   (b) To ensure timely and effective redressal of the Riders’ grievances on
                                       receipt of any complaint concerning the ride/the Driver/the
                                       condition of the vehicle. Rider concerns pertaining to a ride and the
                                       Driver may be reported not beyond a period of 24 hours from when
                                       the ride was availed:
                                       PROVIDED  that the complaint registered with the grievance
                                       redressal centre is criminal in nature, then the limitation period for
                                       filing such complaint shall be extended beyond the specified limit of
                                       24 hours upto a maximum of 72 hours. In such scenario, the concerned
                                       Driver shall be Off-boarded from the Aggregator till such issue is
                                       not resolved:
                                       PROVIDED FURTHER that, in case of complaints against the Driver
                                       concerning violation of the provisions under the Act, the Driver shall
                                       be Off-boarded for a period of 2 days, from the day on which the
                                       complaint has been made.
                               (13) Extending utmost cooperation with investigating authorities in relation
                          to any untoward accident or incident involving jeopardizing a Rider’s safety,
                          which may have arisen due to action or inaction of the Driver on an assigned trip.
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