Page 909 - The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989
P. 909


                               (3) The Aggregator shall be permitted to charge a fare 50% lower than the
                          base fare and a maximum Surge Pricing of 1.5 times the base fare specified under
                          Clause 13(1) hereinabove. This will enable and promote asset utilization which
                          has been the fundamental concept of transport aggregation and also substantiate
                          the dynamic pricing principle, which is pertinent in ensuring asset utilization in
                          accordance with the market forces of demand and supply.
                               (4) The Driver of a vehicle integrated with the Aggregator shall receive at
                          least 80% of the fare applicable on each ride and the remaining charges for each
                          ride shall be received by the Aggregator. The State Government may by way of
                          a notification direct 2% over and above the fare towards the state exchequer for
                          amenities and programmes related for Aggregator operated vehicles, which have
                          been helpful in reducing traffic congestion to a great extent and subsequently
                          reducing pollution. These amenities and programmes may include but not be
                          limited to, state sponsored driver welfare programmes, road safety awareness
                          workshops and activities, pollution control programmes, allotment of parking
                          spaces in certain proportion of large parking areas for vehicles integrated with
                          an Aggregator, electric charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and related
                               (5) In States where the city taxi fare has not been determined by the State
                          Government, an amount of Rs. 25/30 shall be the base fare for the purposes of
                          fare regulation under this Clause 12. Similar fare fixation shall be done by the State
                          Government of other vehicles integrated by Aggregators within the relevant State.
                               (6) For the purposes of motor cabs, fare regulation under this Clause 12 shall
                          only be applicable for motor cabs not exceeding 4 meters of length of below engine
                          capacity of 1500cc diesel or petrol. Fare regulation provided under this Clause 12
                          shall not be applicable to electric vehicles.
                               (7) No passenger shall be charged for dead mileage (except when the distance
                          for availing the ride is less than 3 kms as mentioned under Clause 13(2) hereinabove)
                          and the fare shall be charged only from the point of boarding to the point of
                          14. Cancellation of Rides
                               (1) On cancellation of a booking by a Driver, subsequent to accepting a ride
                          on the App, a penalty of 10% of the total fare not exceeding Rs. 100, shall be
                          imposed, when such cancellation is made without such valid reason that shall be
                          stipulated by the Aggregator on its Website and on the App.
                               (2) On cancellation of a booking by a Rider, subsequent to booking a ride
                          on the App, a penalty of 10% of the total fare not exceeding Rs. 100, shall be
                          imposed, when such cancellation is made without such valid reason that shall be
                          stipulated by the Aggregator on its Website and on the App. The said amount
                          shall be divided between the Driver and the Aggregator in the same proportion
                          as Clause 13(4) hereinabove.
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